Football America In Body Art Painting Costume

Football America In Body Art Painting CostumeFootball America In Body Art Painting Costume

Glow Body Paint

Amazing Body Painting and Bibles 2011

I love traveling, not the fact of going somewhere else, but the action of traveling from one place to another. My fascination is of being anonymous, and of course the time spent “people watching”. This is often done alone, which I think is more entertaining as you are not distracted from the serious business of observing.
Two journeys this year, one to the UK and one day trip to Barcelona.

Picture of Amazing Body Painting

The UK bound trip started with the normal commotion I always achieve at airports. This is caused by the habit of wearing as much as I can to avoid carrying it or more to the point paying the dreaded extortionate fees “excess baggage” what an awful term...nothing I carry is excess to my needs! So off go the alarms, I could offer my services to test their equipment because no matter what I remove I always set the systems blaring. After the “pat down” with nothing found to attribute to the noise I always hear myself apologise! With the current state of the world I am not complaining about these security measures I just would like to get through, just once, without this hullabaloo!

Picture of Amazing Body Painting

Then homeward bound, the UK airport tempted me with Marks and Spencer food outlet just before you go through customs control. Great idea, buy lunch, and a few presents to bring back, a thought of what you are allowed to have in hand luggage I avoided drinks but settle on a sandwich, fruit, biscuits etc plus cheeses and chutneys for friends. So I discover this is a ploy by airport staff to get free lunches, they confiscated the lot. Nowhere could I see on the list of banned items M&S lunch! I wanted to say “stop let me back over the barrier and I will eat it first” but the fear of not being let through to travel was greater than hunger.
Picture of Amazing Body Painting

The day trip to Barcelona was just as eventful for different reasons. An unscheduled change of trains half way meant a different set of traveling companions. Sitting ourselves by the door, with an empty seat in front and two to the side, the carriage was almost full. Then, three young, smartly dressed men boarded, taking up the only empty seats. The first oddness I noticed they all wore the same jackets and had name badges so without further thought I assumed they were security or police. Then I saw the bibles they all started to read as we started out of the station. With an hours non stop journey to Barcelona in a full carriage, we start to realize that our traveling companions had a mission or should I say, they were missionaries. Within minutes they struck up conversation with us.

Picture of Amazing Body Painting

Caught off guard, but fascinated to understand why these three young American men were in Spain. To counter their obvious objective to discuss The Lord, we asked them many questions on their background, my friend and I taking it in turn to question them. The first thought that ran through my head was the “good cop bad cop” ploy we naturally adopted. The friend was gentle in the questioning I was not so! Why was I allowing myself to be drawn into this exchange? Not wanting my religious believes to be questioned or was I feeling confronted?
With the journey over, ahead of us the serious task of shopping. We starting walking from the station in the crowds of city folks going about their business. I could not believe what I saw next, as nobody else seemed to notice, I began to wonder if my eyes deceived me. “Did you see that”? “Was he wearing anything”? Not a pretty sight, just a man with clothes painted on his naked body. To add to the amusing spectacle...not a head was turned. Just like the earlier time in the train carriage I felt the day was going to be different, and it certainly was!

Picture of Amazing Body Painting

Maybe that is the reason I love traveling, you cannot control what you may encounter only how you react to it.

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Soccer Body Painting

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Wonderful body painting...
Are you like that???

Body Jewelry Fashion Trends of Piercings

While some people consider body jewelry to be a recent fashion trend, the truth is that body piercing dates back to ancient times. Body Jewelry was a way used by ancient civilizations to designate social class or standing. In addition, Body jewelry was also part of religious practices.

The first recorded incidence of body jewelry via piercing comes from the evidence of nose rings recorded over 4,000 years ago in the Middle East. Further evidence is found within the verses of the bible where in Genesis there is reference to a gold nose ring. Nose rings in the Middle East and India are used to denote social standing and family wealth. Nose piercing appears to have came to America in the 1960s when the Eastern religion and enlightenment swept across the nation.

Additional types of body jewelry have equally fascinating beginnings. Ear piercing is unarguably one of the most common forms of body jewelry. With the history of earrings going back as far as 3000 BC in parts of Asia, it appears that this form of body jewelry was used as an expression for both cultural and decorative reasons. Mummies dating back as far as five centuries have been noted to have piercings and body jewelry in their ears upon burial. These cultural adornments of body jewelry have lost some of the symbolic roots, and based upon current trends has become more of a fashion accessory.

Tongue piercing is another common form of adornment and body jewelry. Tongue piercing was part of the ritual of many tribal societies including the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Tlingit and the Haida. The blood that was drawn during the piercing was thought to appease the gods.

There are, of course, many other types of body jewelry that have their roots in ancient rituals and lifestyles. From nipples to much more personal locations, body jewelry is a current fashion trend with very old ancestry. In some cases today, body jewelry may be the result of seeking a way of honoring familiar heritage. For others, it is the attempt to find a way to make a personal statement.

The art body painting pictures

The art body painting pictures.1

The art body painting pictures.2

Body Painting Fashion

The World Body Painting Festival currently taking place in Daegu, South Korea is currently the largest art event in body painting, and you can see why.

Its goal is to spread the art of body painting to thousands interested in it. And, as you can see, body painting is truly an art. The work done takes hours, but in the end models bare an uncanny resemblance to tress, various animals and mobile works of art.

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Girl With Sexy Body Painting In Motor Show

Girl With Sexy Body Painting In Motor Show Girl With Sexy Body Painting In Motor Show

Motor Show Girl model painted her body for da motor show. She is Tanya Lazarou, in body paint at the Peugeot stand in Australian international Motor Show in Darling Harbour, Sydney.

Artistic Body Painting

Body art is extremely popular all over the world and includes anything that consists of the human body. Some of the most popular types of body art are tattoos, and piercings but other types of body art involve air brushing, scarring, branding, scalpelling, shaping with corsets and lace and body painting. In addition, body art encompasses nose rings, dydos, bangles, rings, makeup, studs, nose pins, and lip plates.There are more extreme types of body art involving mutilation, or pushing the physical limits of the body. Marina Abramovic is a body artist and her exhibit involved her dancing until she collapsed from tiring out. Dennis Oppenheim is another example of a body artist where he suntanned until he burned while holding a book to his chest – thus he had an outline of the book on his chest. On a less extreme level body art is a form of decorating the body, and emphasizing or showing off a certain feature.

Artictis body painting in great demand by art workers and all who love the body painting will this if you want to get a recommendation of this body painting please look ok on this blog.

Treble body painting

Treble body painting

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Back body painting